"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end..."
I'm not a big fan of New Years Eve. Mainly because I've never really had a spectacular, knock your socks off New Year's Eve celebration. I think the best NYE was about three years ago when I spent it in Florida with my BFF's family. Still though, it wasn't knock your socks off spectacular because it involved a crying baby and a crazy Aunt and Uncle (not mine, thankfully).
Although I do remember my very first New Year's in Philadelphia when I had to call the cops at 5AM and file a domestic disturbance report in my apartment. Yeah, that was fun.
Needless to say, I'm ready for 2010 already. It's not that 2009 was a bad year, in fact, quite the opposite. I'll always think of 2009 as my soul searching year. But I'm ready to finally move on with this soul searching and see where it takes me.
My biggest goal for 2010 is to move out west by April - job or no job. It's a decision I've been putting off for about four years now and I am finally ready to do it. I like Philly - I wouldn't have moved here if I didn't - but I know this isn't where I want to stay for the rest of my life.
Where am I going?
No clue.
I'm hoping a job will tell me where I need to go, but if not, then I'm considering my options - San Diego, San Francisco, Dallas, Phoenix, and Seattle. I know I need to live in/near a big city. I also know I need to live in warmer climates. Sorry, but this snow BS just isn't cutting it. I want to wear my flip flops all year long.
It's been a tough decision - leaving this place - but I know it's for the best. I have four months (at the very most) to get my life here wrapped up. I'm excited, but also nervous. It was easy to leave Pittsburgh right after college because I didn't have anything holding me back. But this time it's different. I've made a name for myself here and I'm going to miss the friends I've met, the things I've done and the lessons I've learned here. These last five years have really shaped my life. I've met some incredible people - some of whom I'll truly never forget - and I've done some incredible things. It's always sad leaving a place you call "home."
Always moving forward, never looking back.
That's my motto for 2010. It's time to push myself to do the things I never thought I could do. It's time to feel things I never thought I could feel.
The sky is the limit. I'm ready to fly.
Wishing all of you a happy and healthy New Year. Much love, success and happiness to you as you continue your journey through life.
I'm not the biggest fan of NYE either..I've never done anything exciting. Last night was actually pretty good because my family spontaneously went down the shore. I love being with my family, so that was good. I think your 2010 is going to be wonderful...it sounds like you know where you want to go, you just need that job to fall into place :)