Monday, November 16, 2009

reason #45786 why I'm an alcoholic:

I received an email from a friend today that said:

"...I think I'm having a baby."

My friend is 25 years old and unemployed.  And she still lives at home with her parents.  I think my head exploded after reading that email.

I can't even process that sentence yet.  Mainly because I don't want to process that because I know that IF she is pregnant, she's going to keep it and I don't support that decision at all based on her financial status and lack of employment... and the fact that she is just not ready to bring a baby into this world.  But I have to support her through this because it's what friends do. 

"...we all need mirrors to remind ourselves of who we are..."

(I apologize again, for the crappy post today.  I actually had a really great post to write, but then that happened and well... I had to vent about it.  Feel free to delete me from your readers now.)

1 comment:

  1. Yeah... probably not the best time to be having a child.


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