In second grade, my class did a tribute to the U.S.A. We sang songs like God Bless America and You're a Grand Old Flag and read poems or quotes that were dedicated to our country. It's the only reason why I can recite all 50 states (yes, there's a song that recites all of them). This performance was done in front of the entire school and I may have messed up when I read my poem. Don't judge me. I was like 8 years old. And I may have had a bowl cut.
My senior year of high school I played indoor soccer with this church youth group (I'm not religious, I just did it for the kicks. And the hot boys.) I met this one guy, and after about a month of playing soccer together and hanging out, I invited him to my senior prom. We remained close friends after my prom and even after graduation. As I was getting ready to head off to college, he was enlisting in the Navy. We didn't keep in touch much after that since I knew he was going to be stationed in Tennessee.
The summer after my freshman year of college, I received a phone call from a friend (a different friend from the church youth group).
"I've been trying to reach you for the last week!"
"Sorry, I've been busy with school and stuff. What's up?"
"I take it you didn't hear what happened?"
"Um, no. What's wrong?""Joe died. He was on leave from the Navy and was out with some friends in the ocean and he had a seizure and drowned. I'm so sorry."
My grandfather flew planes in WWII. My uncle was in the Air Force but never activated (thankfully). But this one hit close to home because it was the first time I knew someone in the military who died.
How many people woke up today wishing they had the day off?
I bet quite a few.
Those who are fighting over seas don't get a day off. They risk their lives so we can go to work, go to the gym and provide for ourselves. They leave their families behind, not knowing if they'll ever see them again.
Today, I woke up being thankful to those who risk their lives every day so that I can lead a good life. Today, I'm blessed because I'm living a somewhat normal life, while others are sacrificing everything they have for me. And you. And your family.
We need more days like today. Veteran's Day isn't about having the day off from work - it's about being thankful to those who are fighting so you can live.
So, thank you, to anyone and everyone who has ever served or is currently serving for our country.
"And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me
And I'd gladly stand up, next to you and defend her still today
And I'd gladly stand up, next to you and defend her still today
'Cause there ain't no doubt, I love this land, God bless the U.S.A."
I <3 Veterans.