Today's prompt: 5 minutes. Imagine you will completely lose your memory of 2010 in five minutes. Capture the things you want to remember most about 2010.}}
- the decision to see a therapist and acting on that decision.
- my entrance into an Ivy League graduate school.
- a night of celebration with my girl friends at a pot luck Sunday with a bottle of champagne. Because everything is better with champagne. Well, as soon as you figure out how to open it.
- ending a 15-year friendship and realizing it was one of the best things I could have done for myself.
- winning a national street hockey championship in June.
- re-branding my nonprofit organization
- the day I lost a survivor sister.
- the day I found out my law firm is dissolving.
- the night my cousin and I thought making and consuming frozen wine would be the best thing ever (it wasn't).