Saturday, December 11, 2010

Less is More

{{This post is part of #reverb10, an annual event and month-long online initiative to reflect on this year and manifest what's next for 2011.
Today's prompt:  11 things.  What are 11 things your life doesn't need in 2011?  How will you go about eliminating them?}}
In 2011, I want to make a big change.  I want to truly understand the difference between need and want.  Sure, I know what the difference is, but to truly understand it?  Is more complicated.  I need to eat, but I want Sunday brunches consisting of pancakes and girl talk.  But I don't need to spend the $10 or so every Sunday on said brunches, yet I do it because I want to invest more quality time in my friendships. 

I want to learn how to live more simply with less, on less, and doing less in 2011 and maybe that means eliminating some things in my life.
  • Clutter.  I keep stuff.  Like, a lot of stuff.  And I know I don't need most of the stuff that I keep (like books I know I'll never read again), so I want to make a concerted effort next year to get rid of a lot of things that just take up space in my house that I know I don't need.

  • Wasting time on the internet.  Yes, I waste a significant amount of time on Facebook, Twitter, reading blogs, and on the internet in general.  Don't we all?  We forget what our lives were like without those things and I really want spend my time being immersed in grad school work than on the internet (unless of course, it's school-related).

  • Over-committing.  I commit myself to a lot.  Work.  Nonprofit.  Hockey.  Friendships.  Blogging.  Writing.  Meetings.  Pot luck Sundays.  Volunteering.  I already know I do more than I am able to, but it's hard to not commit myself to so much because I hate being bored.  I start graduate school on January 12th and I've already been slammed with homework and assignments from my professors and classes haven't even started yet, so I know I need to let go of a handful of commitments once school starts.

  • Negativity.  It's easy to let someone get you down, but it's tough to bounce back from it.  Much of our negativity is driven from another source of negativity.  I don't have time for negativity, and I surely don't want to be surrounded by it.

  • Careless spending.  I've done really well this past year with saving money and managing my finances, but I do [sometimes] spend my money unwisely.  Or on things I know I don't need.  I really want to work on being more mindful of how I'm spending my money next year.  Experiences, not things.

  • Less junk.  I've eliminated/cut back a lot in my diet over the last five years.  No red meat.  Less alcohol.  Less foods containing HFCS (high fructose corn syrup).  For the most part, I eat really healthy.  Minus wine and cheese nights.  And pot luck Sundays.  I really want to try cutting out all meat from my diet next year.  For at least a month.

  • High expectations.  This is a tough one to eliminate.  I hold high expectations of myself because I want to believe I'm Superwoman.  Except, I'm not, and I need to accept it when something doesn't always go/work as expected.

  • Comparisons.  When I see someone's efforts succeed and mine fail, I can't help but compare myself to them.  She's so much smarter than I could ever beHe's so much more dedicated to his work, and that's why he's so successful.  I compare myself to others.  It's just what I do.  And I know I need to stop doing it, but I don't know how. 

  • Fear of failure.  I'm terrified of failing again with my nonprofit.  The first time basically punched me in the ovaries and made me understand what it means to be passionate about your work and work hard at it.  And failing the first time was the motivating factor to get me to grad school, but I'm afraid I'm going to fail again.  Over and over again. 

  • Unsatisfying friendships.  Do you really talk to all 562 of your Facebook 'friends?'  Neither do I.  I want to eliminate those fake friendships and those who only make appearances in my life when it's a convenience.  I want to surround myself with authentic friends who can satisfy my soul.

  • Fear of vulnerability, dating, and relationships.  I got back into the dating game this year, and as much as it sucks, I'm really glad I'm doing it.  Being open to possibilities.  Meeting new men.  Discovering passion and sharing a spark.  Yet, I still fear putting myself out there and being vulnerable.  Knowing that a man can take advantage of everything you give him.  

New Year, new start.  What do you want to eliminate in 2011?
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