Tuesday, December 21, 2010

a letter of advice

{{This post is part of #reverb10, an annual event and month-long online initiative to reflect on this year and manifest what's next for 2011.

Today's prompt:  Future self.  Imagine yourself five years from now.  What advice would you give your current self for the years ahead?}}

Dear KH,

You're amazing.  The things you've done with your life and the way you continue to carry yourself - every day, through good and bad - is something you should be very proud of.  Very few people in life will be able to conquer half of the things that you have.  But while I can't tell you what's going to happen in your future, I can tell you this:
  • You're stronger than you think you are.  I know you've been through hell and back.  I know it was painful.  But the reality is, it won't get any easier.  What doesn't kill you, really does make you stronger.  You have to push through everything, one moment at a time, because what's waiting for you at the other end is going to be amazing.  And you're going to deserve it.
  • Take care of yourself first.  You're the most important person in your life.  You have such a warm, genuine heart and I know you want to help others before yourself, but not everyone is like you, in the fact that they'll help you as much as you help them.  
  • Don't be afraid to take a chance.  Whether it's on a guy, for a job, or for personal development - whatever it is, don't be afraid to do it.  I know you like routine, being organized, and knowing what's next, but sometimes life is about not knowing.  Because often times, it's the unknown that changes your life.
  • Don't forget your roots.  Remember those people - and the city - that helped you become the sports-loving woman you are today.  Don't let people knock you down for being from a small, Steel city.  They're just mad because their sports teams can't win Championships.  Be proud of where you're from.  We don't call it the City of Champions for nothing.
  • Don't let your failures stop you from trying or continuing.  Your failures will help you develop and improve as a business woman and a person.  You have to fail (and sometimes miserably) in order to succeed.  Learn from your failures and you'll soon become unstoppable.
  • Live life on your own terms.  Do what you love, every day.  Stop feeling guilty about being lazy or procrastinating or not finishing something.  It's okay to be lazy, procrastinate and not finish.  Life is now about you - doing what you love, surrounding yourself with amazing friends, and finding your own happiness.  Do it.  Love it.  Live it up.
  • Chase your dreams.  Every day.  People are going to tell you you can't do something.  Do it anyway.  People are going to stand in your way.  Knock 'em down.  You're going to feel like you want to quit.  Keep going.  You've already conquered half the world.  You still have the other half left.  
  • Let it go.  Let go of the friends who have hurt you, the relationships that have shattered your heart, and the ones who gossip behind your back.  You're amazing, beautiful, and ridiculously talented and those three qualities will take you further in life than any piece of gossip, relationship or friendship could.
  • Be proud of how far you've come in life.  Don't let your mistakes and failures fault you.  Your talents and abilities will take you very far in life.  Appreciate how hard you have worked and celebrate your accomplishments every chance you get.
Now, go continue chasing your dreams.

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