Friday, February 4, 2011

in the kitchen


Some people choose to go to the gym.  Or drink a glass bottle of wine.  Or hang out with friends.  Or read a book.  But when I'm having a bad day, all I want to do is go home and cook.  I know, it sounds so weird.  Work all day and then go home and work even more all night.  Sounds exhausting, right? 

I've been cooking since I was a little girl.  Both of my parents were ah.may.zing. cooks so they taught me and my brothers well.  After my father passed away, my mother went back to school to pursue a Master's degree while working full-time.  Clearly, this didn't leave much time for her to cook dinner for the family, so I stepped up to the plate.  Every night for three years, I cooked dinner.  While for some children it may seem like a chore, for me it wasn't.  In fact, it was something I looked forward to every night.  Creating recipes, playing with fire spices, and experimenting with bold flavors. 

My passion for life is in my food.  

I realized this tonight, after making three trips to three different grocery stores in the city looking for ricotta cheese.  Seriously, Trader Joe's doesn't carry ricotta cheese?!  

Tonight, I tested out a my own concoction for stuffed strawberries - ricotta cheese, cream cheese, powdered sugar and vanilla.  I'm sure there's a recipe out there somewhere, or someone's already thought of this, so I can't really take credit for it.  I never thought to pair ricotta cheese with fruit, but it's amazing how delicious it turned out.  This was actually a dry run for my big Super Bowl Sunday Brunch that I'm making for some friends.  I made two dozen stuffed strawberries and I ate all of them in ten minutes four hours.   

Don't judge me.

Earlier this week I also made Thai Basil Chicken with rice from scratch, and for the rest of the weekend I'm getting my hands dirty with a rosemary chicken & spinach salad, turkey meatballs (and maybe an attempt at homemade spaghetti sauce), and ricotta-blueberry pancakes. 

I don't use recipes because I hate them (I also hate measurements), but I decided to start writing things down so I can take credit for it in the future.  And for when I open up my own restaurant/bed & breakfast.

I dream big, what can I say.

Got any good recipes for me?  I promise I won't steal them.  Or at least give you credit for them.


PS:  Did you read my intro post on Stratejoy yet?  I'll be blogging there every Friday for the next six months.   Lots of delicious and honest writing.  Check me out, yo. 
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