Friday, September 3, 2010


Hello there, 27.

I don't like odd numbers.  Even worse when it's an odd-numbered birthday.  Odd numbers are just bad luck for me.  But I'm anxious to see what 27 has in store for me.  26 was a pretty good year of reflection, self-loving, and learning. 

This year, I've learned...

...Canadians aren't afraid to reveal it all in front of everyone. embrace my fears

...that I'm fiercely independent, which is a really good thing or a really bad thing.

...people don't change

...that bad sex is definitely a deal breaker in a relationship. 

...second chances shouldn't be taken for granted.  They don't call it a second chance for nothing. 

...that sometimes people fall harder for you, than you do for them.  

...a dog really is your best friend.  And losing your best friend is always painful. 

...every once in a while, you need to do some soul searching.  Find out what truly matters, what you're really passionate about, and do whatever it takes to get there.

...that I may never discover the true meaning of friendship, but I'm learning what it means to be a good friend and keep those who matter to me a big part of my life.

...that hiding your depression and loneliness will catch up to you. fix what's broken.  Even the strongest of people feel weak and vulnerable. take responsibility for your actions and the true evil of credit cards.'s about building trust with someone and find hope in something

...that one day [soon] I will get my memoir finished and PUBLISHED.  Hopefully before I hit 30.

...not everyone will meet your expectations, even those you have known for years.'s okay to miss your loved ones even after they've gone for many years. keep an open heart

...I will never ever understand things like suicide or racism

...I don't like the term "best friend."  It's a title someone has to earn.  And even when you earn it, it can quickly be taken away from you.

...first dates are everything.  

I'm determined to make 27 my best year yet.  Here's to even more soul searching, loving, and learning.  

Another year older, another year wiser...

What have YOU learned lately? 
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