Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Social Media and Personal Branding: Friend or Foe?

I read an article about the release of Facebook in my school newspaper during my Sophomore year of college.  That was the time when Facebook was only available to college students, linking their account to their school e-mail address.  Of course I jumped on the bandwagon and signed up.  And of course, I had no idea what Facebook was, but I just knew I had to be in "the know." 

Now anyone can sign up for Facebook.  Even your pet.  Yes, that's right.  Some of my friends create a Facebook account for their pets.  I don't even want to get into that.

I'm a blogger for Brand-Yourself and a big fan of Social Media, Marketing and Personal Branding.  I believe, when used properly, social media can be one of the most valuable tools used for job hunting, promoting a business and networking, but way too many people are taking it for granted and jeopardizing themselves and their careers.

If you haven't noticed, I've never really revealed myself on my blog.  I don't really talk much about my day-job (which is separate from my freelance writing projects and my nonprofit), I don't post that much inappropriate content (with the exception of linking to an inappropriate - but highly humorous - dolphin video), and I've never posted a picture of me (aside from the picture on my About Me page, which only shows you my back side.  You're welcome).  My blog does however, have links to my Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIN pages, so if you really wanted to stalk get to know me, you could connect with me through those websites.  I do my best to keep my blog content as PG-rated as humanely possible.  I don't connect with my current co-workers on any of my networking sites (especially Facebook, since someone I know likes to constantly post inappropriate things on my wall) because I believe in keeping a personal life separate from my work-life.  Plus I fear that some things could come and bite me in the ass later on, if someone at work did find something out. 

When I worked in Human Resources about two years ago, I would do random internet searches (Oh Google, how I love thee...) on prospective candidates.  And yes, that meant searching for them on Facebook and LinkedIN.  Did I ever find inappropriate content on those sites?  Absolutely.  Did it give enough reason not to hire them?  Absolutely. 

Whether you want to admit it or not, thanks to sites like LinkedIN, Twitter and Facebook (and even our blogs!) we all now have our own personal brand. 

Whatever you are posting out on the internet gives prospective employers (and even current employers) the possibility of discovering it.  Published an article online?  They'll find it.  Got tagged in an inappropriate photo on Facebook?  They will find it. 

My rule of thumb?  If you don't want your parents/immediate family to look at it or read it, then don't post it for all of the world to see.  Sure, there are some exceptions, like Facebook, where you can block certain people from viewing your wall, but when it comes to looking for a job (or even risking losing one), you need to make sure what is being said by you or about you won't come back to bite you in the ass. 

Everything can be used as evidence now a days - even in a court of law.  Be careful what you're posting out there or you'll end up paying for it later down the road. 

What do you think - do you agree or disagree with me?  Do you think [some] people are being too inappropriate with their social media content?  How do you use your social media accounts - for business or pleasure or both?

(notice how I asked questions at the end?  Answer them, damnit! kthxbye.)
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