Thursday, August 19, 2010


view of Honeoye Lake in upstate NY at sunset
Sometimes you just need to unwind, unplug and relax.  Living in a big city can become overwhelming.  People rushing to catch a bus or cross the street, taxi cabs zipping by, and fire sirens blaring outside your window at all hours of the night.  Finding a moment of solitude is very far and few between. 

When you get the chance, take it...

I can't remember the last time I had a relaxing vacation.  Most of my vacations recently have consisted of hockey tournaments, binge drinking, or playing tourist.  I'm craving solitude, sunsets and laughter.  I jumped at the chance of spending a long weekend at my cousin's cottage at the Finger Lakes in upstate New York, and insisted that my two favorite girl friends join me.  It's away from the big city where the solitude and the sunsets take your breath away. 

 ...if it changes your life, let it.

My family took summer vacations to South Carolina or the Finger Lakes.  Forget the Jersey Shore.  There's just something about it... it changes your life and makes you appreciate things like sunsets, boat rides, bon fires, and solitude so much more.  Trade in binge drinking at a bar for savoring glasses of wine on the deck.

Goodbye, city life; hello, Finger Lakes!

Well, at least for the next four days...
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