Wednesday, February 3, 2010

just one of those really awesome good days

Ever have one of those unexpectedly really good days?

Yeah, today was one of them.
It started off like any other day and within minutes things kept pouring in that just made it an incredibly good day.


I was asked to speak to a class at Villanova University about my nonprofit organization.

I had a phone interview with a nonprofit in Washington, D.C. for an Accounts Manager of Fundraising and Sponsorships position and it surprisingly went really well.

I was assigned a project at work that I actually enjoy doing and that doesn't have to be finished until Monday (yes, that makes me happy, don't judge me!).

Events for my nonprofit are falling into place just as I had hoped they would.

And to finish this awesome day, I'm going home to make dinner and then out for drinks with some fabulous ladies!

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