Monday, October 19, 2009

when the risk is greater than the reward


They say you should never judge a book by its cover.  I believe that you should never judge a person based on what you see.  You don't know how much adversity a person's had to overcome to get to where they are today.

I believe first impressions mean everything.  If you can't hold a decent conversation or bring some humor or wisdom to the table, chances are I'm not going to want to talk to you again.  I want to learn something from you.  I want to know more about the person you are, the experiences you've lived through and the things that make you wake up every day.

I believe everyone has a story.  Some are glamorous, some are downright dark and scary, and some are inspirational.  But then there are some stories that come out of left field and smack you in the face.

I hate the title "damaged goods."  We throw those words around at people who appear to not have their act together because something, often a damaging experience, is holding them back from experiencing life in the present moment.  What we don't realize is that what we perceive to be "damaged goods" is just something that gives depth to a person's story.  A lesson they've learned.  An experience they've lived through and can tell the story.  Something that gave them enough strength to fight through it and come out on top.  It's the cracks, the chips, and the dents that make us beautiful.

The first impression was a good one.  Conversations flowed, laughter was had, and we just clicked.  I knew I wanted to know this person more.  I wanted to know what his hopes and dreams are, what his fears are, and what makes him wake up in the morning.  I wanted to know his story because I feel like I could truly learn something from him.

As you get to know someone, their personality really shines through.  They begin shedding layers, one by one, and you see them for who they really are.  Beautiful.  Genuine.  Caring.  Compassionate.  Yet, there's always that one layer that takes you by surprise.  It rattles you and makes you stop in your tracks.  It makes you realize that looks really aren't everything.  The person can appear strong and determined on the outside, yet weak and vulnerable on the inside.  Even the most beautiful people have flaws.

The more we talked, the more layers he shed.  His family.  His friends.  His career.  The basic layers you shed when you first meet someone.  And then it became personal.  Stories from his childhood.  Dark secrets.  An experience from his past that he's still working through.  A story that came out from left field and felt like it smacked me blindly in the face.  

I believe that everyone deserves a chance.  At a job.  At a chance to play the game.  At a relationship.  At a friendship.  At life.  We deserve to have a chance to live on our own terms, to make mistakes, to fall in love, to be happy.   

We deserve to take a risk in life, but what if certain risks are greater than the reward?  Do you still take it, knowing what the outcome will be? 
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