Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Life is beautiful


Remember when life wasn't so complicated?  When we didn't have to worry about bills, responsibilities or commitments.  When we didn't know what things like quarter-life crisis, commitment or depression meant.  When our imaginations ran wild and our big dreams and big goals got us through the day.  When we weren't dependent on schedules, caffeine, and e-mail.  When we could do whatever we want, whenever we want, and not worry about the repercussions, who got hurt along the way, and how our decisions would affect us later on in life. 

Life is messy and complicated. 

We struggle to make sense of what it means to be independent, financially responsible, professional, and loyal in life.  We struggle to understand the meaning of friendships and sacrifices.  We spend too much of our time waiting for someone to tell give us the answers, to guide us, or to tell us what to do.  We worry over the possibility of losing a job, being pushed into the 'friend zone,' being successful and knowing the difference between living life every day and showing up every day.

Life is stressful and overwhelming.

We make big decisions to open more doors for us.  We test our limits to see just how far we can push ourselves.  We make commitments when we know we shouldn't just so we can make others happy.  We make sacrifices because it's what grown-ups do.  We let things slip away in order to focus on the bigger picture.  Because it's the bigger picture that we're chasing - our hopes, our goals, our dreams.  Our happiness.

Life is beautiful.

Today I got a jump start on grad school - bought some text books and spent five hours reading, taking notes, and absorbing information.  

Today I was called dynamic.  Is that supposed to be a compliment?  I don't know.  

Today I learned that sometimes timing really is everything, and my timing sucks.  

Today I realized that I like the chase, but it never works out in my favor.  

Today royally kicked my ass in every possible way, but as messy, complicated, stressful and overwhelming life can be, it really is beautiful.
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