Friday, December 11, 2009

Friday Bullets

  • This week I accepted a writing gig with as their Philadelphia Cancer Examiner.  My first article has been posted (check it out here) and so far, I've made $.56!  I know you are probably laughing at that, but hey, we are in a recession and it is $.56 I didn't have before!  Every penny helps, right?  So now that I am working a total of 4 (yes 4!) jobs, it leaves very little time for a social life.  I haven't drank in weeks (minus the happy hour I went to this week - I only had two beers).  Most nights I'd rather stay in and catch up on work or watch tv (or even sleep!) rather than hit the bars.  I think a lot of that has to do with the cold weather though.  I become a hermit during the winter months.

  • My roommate confirmed this week that she has bed bugs in her room.  Awesome.  So we have an exterminator coming next week and it means I have to clear everything out of my room.  I guess that's a good thing since my room is kind of messy, but it's a huge inconvenience to have to clear everything out of my room and then put it all back.  But at least we don't have to pay for the exterminator (the joy of renting!)

  • My presentation at Penn State this week went well.  I am hoping this turns into more speaking engagements at colleges and universities.  Even though the drive up to State College sucked, I'm glad I did it.  I was nervous as hell and I hate public speaking, but I hope this turns into something good for my non-profit(s).

  • I've been watching old seasons of The Hills like it's my j-o-b.  Feel free to judge me.  Watching that show makes me wish I lived in L.A.  But then I think about my trip out to L.A. last fall and I realize that I wouldn't ever want to live there.  Too crazy of a city and too many tourists.  It also makes me wish I had more girl friends to hang out with, but then I see all of the drama that goes on in that show and I realize that's exactly why I don't get along with girls.  But it must be nice to wear flip flops and tank tops in January.

  • I just realized that this weekend is my last free weekend until February.  Next weekend my non-profit is doing a bar crawl, then it's Christmas, then it's New Year's and then my non-profit has an event every weekend in January.  So my plan this weekend is to get a pedicure, get my holiday shopping done and mentally relax!  As much as I love being so busy, sometimes it's just overwhelming.


  1. The other day I got $.01 from Google for a video on YouTube! Yay for money in the recession!

  2. Just found your blog! I'm a Philly girl too! I clearly have to read more of your back posts to find out more about you, but I love writing and since you just accepted a job writing, I'm guessing you do too! Congrats on the new gig and I'm looking forward to reading more!


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