Monday, December 6, 2010

on making time

{{This post is part of #reverb10, an annual event and month-long online initiative to reflect on this year and manifest what's next for 2011.
Today's prompt:  Make.  What was the last thing you made?  What materials did you use?  Is there something you want to make, but you need to clear some time for it?}}
Working a full-time job and running a nonprofit organization doesn't leave me room for much else.  And once graduate school starts next month, I'll have room for even less.  My Google calendar is filled with meetings, appointments, hockey games, tasks and events because it's the only way I am able to stay organized and sane.
This past weekend I had a laundry list of things I wanted to accomplish, like get my car inspected, get my laundry done, get some writing done, and catch up on some grad school reading.  But instead, I made time.  For a hockey tournament.  For grocery shopping.  For having a Saturday Girls' Night.  For a Sunday pot luck.  I made time to have a social life, because I believe it's important to make time for the things that make you happy, even if you don't always have the time for them.  We all say we're too busy for people, events, or to do something, but perhaps it's because we just don't make the time to invest ourselves more.  In friendships.  In relationships.  In our careers.  In getting more sleep.  In anything.  We work on trying to find a balance in our lives, but more often than not, something gets sacrificed for another and the next thing we know, we don't have time for anything.  
It's not about having time, it's about making time. We all have the time, but seldom do we actually make the time to do something.
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