Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Oh, the places you'll go

{{This post is part of #reverb10, an annual event and month-long online initiative to reflect on this year and manifest what's next for 2011.
Today's prompt: Travel.  How did you travel in 2010?  How and/or where would you like to travel next year?}}
{photos taken in Pittsburgh, PA; Seattle, WA; Washington, D.C.; Honeoye Lake, NY; Savannah, GA; Philadelphia, PA}

I made a New Year's resolution three years ago to travel more.  It's the only resolution I've been able to keep.  I want to hit all 48 states by my 30th birthday.  I dream big, what can I say.  This year I crossed the State of Washington off my list, and soon-to-be Texas.  At the end of 2010, I will have visited 21 out of 50 states. 

In 2011, I'll be traveling internationally for at least three months.  On my list to visit are Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, Slovakia, and Poland.  I'm dying to see Paris, return to Italy, and visit my friend in London while I'm over there, but I'm not sure if I'll have enough time (or money!), since I will only be able to stay in the Schengen Area for a max of 90 days on a passport, and most likely won't have a working visa by the time I get kicked out of Europe. 

I'm excited for my traveling plans next year.  I really want to immerse myself in the different cultures and history while I'm abroad.  The first time I went to Europe, in 2004, I didn't really appreciate international traveling (mainly because I got sick the moment I landed in Austria), the cultures, and the food, but now that I've grown and developed my traveling (and food) palate, I'm really looking forward to this.

And if all goes well, hopefully I'll find myself back in my homeland in 2011, too.
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